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British Country Music Artist Tom Cary is working his way up the Country music ladder at a staggering speed with his velvety flowing guitar sounds and chocolatey smooth vocals. Unique smooth vocals run right through the album. Mix this in a musical bowl with an essence of guitar sounds and licks reminiscent of John Mayer and you have Tom Cary’s album ’Smile’.‘Kiss Goodnight’ is Track 4 on my latest album ‘Smile’. This is a fantastic duet with the incredible country singer Taynee Lord. We recorded the album and then the producer called me into the studio with an idea he had. I instantly knew we had to make it into a song, so from that minute on we pursued it to the form that you’re hearing today. We got Taynee Lord involved to feature on the song and it brought to whole thing to life. The song was created and now I consider it to be one of my favourites on the album. I look forward to performing it live with Taynee hopefully very soon, somewhere near you. Tom Cary

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